


中国低出生率和更多家庭因之前严格的一孩法而失去了生育孩子的可能性。 现在开放政策提倡二胎、三胎,但大多数家庭都没有这样的机会。

中国代孕非法医疗,促使更多的中国人寻求国外合法代孕和体外受精以获得合法的孩子,中国家庭总是寻求最好的服务和价格。 从2015年开始,WKLBABY(贝拉海顿)获得了BIOTEXCOM的第一个代孕宝宝,成为最受青睐的国家。 然后我们扩大格鲁吉亚和哈萨克斯坦作为支持 LGBT 和中国人民的亚洲捐助者的代理人。


China Low birth Ratio & more family lost the possibility to get baby with Previous critial 1-baby law. Now the Open gate policy promote the second baby & third baby , But Most of family has no such chance to make it happen.

Illegal medical in China , Push more Chinese seek abroard legal Surrogate & IVF to get legal baby, Chinese familys are always to look for best service & price. From 2015, WKLBABY has get first Surrogate baby from BIOTEXCOM ,Then it becomes most favorated Country. Then We expand Georgia & Kazakhstan as Great Surrogate support LGBT & Asian Donor for Chinese people. Please contact us at wechat :haydonge to further known-well.


Surrogate Mother

A surrogate mother is a woman who bears a child on behalf of another person or couple, typically via artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization1. There are two types of surrogacy: traditional and gestational. In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the father’s sperm and carries the baby to term. In this case, the surrogate mother is also the biological mother of the child2. In gestational surrogacy, an embryo created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) using the intended mother’s egg and intended father’s sperm (or donor egg/sperm) is implanted into the uterus of the surrogate mother. The surrogate mother carries the baby to term but has no genetic ties to the child2.

Is there anything else you would like to know about surrogacy?


Surrogacy agencies and professionals have their own health requirements for gestational carriers. These standards are often based on those established: Some common health requirements for surrogate mothers include being at least 21 years old, having carried a previous pregnancy to term with no major complications, being smoke- and drug-free, and having a healthy BMI1. To confirm that a prospective surrogate mother meets these health requirements, surrogacy professionals will obtain her medical records and she will undergo medical screening for surrogacy. This may include a physical exam, laboratory testing, screening for sexually transmitted diseases, and a psychological evaluation by a certified mental health professional.Is there anything else you would like to know about surrogacy?
代孕机构和专业人士对代孕母亲有自己的健康要求。这些标准通常基于既定标准:对代孕母亲的一些常见健康要求包括年满 21 岁、之前怀孕至足月且无重大并发症、不吸烟、不吸毒、BMI 1 健康。为了确认准代孕母亲符合这些健康要求,代孕专业人士将获取她的医疗记录,并对她进行代孕医疗筛查。这可能包括体检、实验室检测、性传播疾病筛查以及由认证心理健康专业人士进行的心理评估。您还想了解有关代孕的其他信息吗?

代孕母亲是代表另一个人或夫妇生育孩子的妇女,通常通过人工授精或体外受精1。代孕有两种类型:传统代孕和妊娠代孕。在传统代孕中,代孕母亲通过父亲的精子进行人工授精,并将婴儿怀到足月。在这种情况下,代孕母亲也是孩子的亲生母亲2。在妊娠代孕中,使用预期母亲的卵子和预期父亲的精子(或捐赠卵子)通过体外受精 (IVF) 创造的胚胎



Vahe Militonyan



Susanna Urumyan

生殖医学家, SHENGAVIT医疗中心的生殖保健中心总经理

Vahe Militonyan


Susanna Urumyan

生殖医学家, SHENGAVIT医疗中心的生殖保健中心总经理
